@mire.rooms/*rooms* is new to me.
could anybody explain to me?


(defn- mire-handle-client [in out]
  (binding [*in* (reader in)
            *out* (writer out)]
    ;; bindings doesn't work sequentially, so we need to nest them
    ;; otherwise the call to read-name uses the old value of *in*/
    (binding [*name* (read-name)
              *inventory* (ref [])
              *current-room* (ref (@mire.rooms/*rooms* :start))]

On Jan 27, 8:45 pm, "Stephen C. Gilardi" <squee...@mac.com> wrote:
> On Jan 27, 2009, at 3:57 PM, wubbie wrote:
> > Why defn ends with -(dash)?
> > (defn- mire-handle-client [in out]
> A good approach to finding out what a function does is to consult "doc":
>         (doc defn-)
> --Steve
>  smime.p7s
> 3KViewDownload
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