On Jan 28, 4:11 pm, Chouser <chou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Currently if you happen upon a Ref in the REPL, you don't get much
> helpful information:
> user=> (ref #{:a 1})
> #<Ref clojure.lang....@968fda>
> Improving on this is not difficult:
> (defmethod print-method clojure.lang.IRef [o w]
>   (.write w (format "#<%...@%x: %s>"
>                     (.getSimpleName (class o))
>                     (System/identityHashCode o)
>                     (pr-str @o))))
> Now Ref and all her cousins print their values:
> user=> (agent 99)
> #<ag...@458f41: 99>
> The identity code is included so you can tell if it's the same object
> or a different one, since the identity of reference objects matter.
> user=> (let [a (atom 4)] (swap! a inc) (prn a) (swap! a + 10) (prn a))
> #<a...@7ecd78: 5>
> #<a...@7ecd78: 15>
> This is also why the #<> format is still used, disallowing 'read' from
> working on the string.

Patch welcome for this.


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