
Glad to see you are putting some more work into clj-doc again. I tried
compiling it a couple weeks ago, and after I downloaded the 4 or 5
libraries it depended on and fixed some of the references to code that
had been moved, I got an exception when I tried running it. I gave up
after that.

Is clj-doc usable yet, or should I still wait a little bit? Ideally I
would like to be able to include an ant task in my build file that
generates all the documentation for the code in my project much like you
can get in Java-land with javadoc.

Btw, the bookmark I have to your generated clj-doc documentation is
still my prefered way to find the function I'm looking for. Are you
still keeping that up to date, or has it stagnated since you first
announced it?

Mark McGranaghan <> writes:
> Hi Kevin,
> You should try clj-doc:
> clj-doc generates HTML API documentation that is searchable via
> JavaScript and includes source snippets for the code that defined each
> var.
> I update clj-doc tonight to include example docs, just clone my
> clj-doc repo and open example/index.html in your browser to see what
> the docs look like.
> In my update I also made it easier to generate docs for your own sets
> of libs: check out the README and let me know if you have any
> questions/problems.
> I've had clj-doc on hold for a little while as I've been waiting for
> various documentation-related features to find their way into core,
> especially the ns docstrings. Now that we have most of those (though
> (def foo "docstring" :bar) is noticeably missing) I'm going to be
> working more on clj-doc.
> Hope you find it useful,
> - Mark McGranaghan

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