Some naive caching code does speed up my sample by 4 times.  Will
investigate further later this week, need to take my flu to bed now..

diff --git a/src/jvm/clojure/lang/
index f530b78..eccebb8 100644
--- a/src/jvm/clojure/lang/
+++ b/src/jvm/clojure/lang/
@@ -296,7 +296,21 @@ static public Field getField(Class c, String
name, boolean getStatics){
        return null;

+static private java.util.Map<String,List> methodsCache = new
 static public List getMethods(Class c, int arity, String name,
boolean getStatics){
+    synchronized (methodsCache) {
+        String key = "" + c + "-" + arity + " " + name + " " + getStatics;
+        if (methodsCache.containsKey(key)) {
+            return methodsCache.get(key);
+        } else {
+            List methods = originalGetMethods(c, arity, name, getStatics);
+            methodsCache.put(key, methods);
+            return methods;
+        }
+    }
+static public List originalGetMethods(Class c, int arity, String
name, boolean getStatics){
        Method[] allmethods = c.getMethods();
        ArrayList methods = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList bridgeMethods = new ArrayList();

On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 3:55 PM, Remco van 't Veer <> wrote:
> I've been playing around with clojure on the android platform.  To my
> surprise it was pretty easy to get running, after removing the bean
> method from the clojure.jar as hinted by Rich somewhere.   Of course
> clojure code needs to be compiled AOT and eval doesn't work, as was to
> be expected, but all seems to run fine otherwise.
> There's a problem though, it's really slow..  I've played around with
> the tracing tools of the android sdk and noticed about half of the
> time spend is doing reflection related things.  Reflection on Android/
> Dalvik is known to be slow.  At the top of the method list sorted by
> exclusive times is clojure/lang/Reflector.getMethods with a 10% score
> of total time spend, followed by java/lang/reflect/
> ReflectionAccessImpl.clone, java/lang/reflect/Method.<init>,  java/
> lang/ClassCache.deepCopy, java/lang/reflect/Method.getName and java/
> lang/String.equals and java/lang/reflect/AccessibleObject.<init>.
> My test case was pretty simpel; get the public-time-line from twitter,
> parse it with xml/parse (needs a small tweak to work on android btw),
> populate some struct-maps and display a listview.  Unfortunately this
> simple task takes about 12 seconds to complete on a g1 phone.
> So I setup *warn-on-reflection* and put type hints in all the
> appropriate places but didn't detect any performance improvements.
> Then I ran compile-clojure in the clojure source tree with an adjusted
> compiler to see the reflection warning in the core.  This yields about
> 40 warnings and I wonder if fixing those will improve performance at
> all.
> Another approach is to try and speedup clojure/lang/
> Reflector.getMethods by caching results.  Any idea's on what route
> will get me the best results?
> Thanks,
> Remco

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