I realize this comes a day late since the meeting just happened, but
after seeing all these local group threads, I thought I'd mention that
the Seattle Functional Group meets every month or so at various
locations around Seattle:

  SeaFunc is Seattle. SeaFunc is functional. Functional language.
  Functional programming. We shall attempt to adjust your software, as
  there is something wrong. You're in a C funk. Get out of your C funk.


  Anyone interested in the application, extension or construction of
  advanced programming languages - functional or not - is encouraged to
  come.  We've been meeting every several weeks since June 2004. A
  typical showing is 6-10 people.  If you think there must be more to
  life than C++, Java, and C#, please join us!

We met last night. I was the only Clojure person there, (out of 8) but
the folks there were pretty interested in it. Would be great to have
some more people representing next time.



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