You mean there's no way to define bar?

Here's some context. I had a metafunction, conc:

(defn conc [& subrules]
  (fn [tokens]
    (loop [subrule-queue (seq subrules), remaining-tokens (seq
tokens), products []]
      (if (nil? subrule-queue)
        [products remaining-tokens]
        (let [[subrule-products subrule-remainder :as subrule-result]
              ((first subrule-queue) remaining-tokens)]
          (when-not (nil? subrule-result)
            (recur (rest subrule-queue) subrule-remainder
                   (conj products subrule-products))))))))

I changed it to a macro to avoid evaluating its arguments until

(defn conc* [tokens & subrules]
  (loop [subrule-queue (seq subrules), remaining-tokens (seq tokens),
products []]
    (if (nil? subrule-queue)
      [products remaining-tokens]
      (let [[subrule-products subrule-remainder :as subrule-result]
            ((first subrule-queue) remaining-tokens)]
        (when-not (nil? subrule-result)
          (recur (rest subrule-queue) subrule-remainder
                 (conj products subrule-products)))))))
(defmacro conc [& subrules]
  `(fn [tokens#]
     (conc* tokens# ~...@subrules)))

I had another function called factor=:
(defn factor= [factor subrule]
  (apply conc (replicate factor arg)))

When I changed conc to a macro, factor= didn't work anymore. Is there
no way of fixing factor=?

On Feb 7, 3:09 pm, Laurent PETIT <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it theoretical, or do you have a concrete use case we could try to help
> you with ?
> 2009/2/7 samppi <>
> > Let's say I have a macro:
> > (defmacro foo [& args] ...)
> > I want to do something equivalent to this:
> > (defn bar-fn [factor arg]
> >  (apply foo (replicate factor arg)))
> > ...but since I can't take values of macros, I have to do something
> > like this, right?
> > (defmacro bar [factor arg]
> >  `(foo ~@(replicate factor arg)))
> > ...but then when I use it I get a ClassCastException if I try to do
> > something like (bar (dec 5) something), because then Clojure tries to
> > evaluate (replicate '(dec 5) 'something).
> > So how should I rewrite bar to behave like bar-fn, then?
> --
> Cordialement,
> Laurent PETIT
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