I have this piece of code:

(defn- run-work-elements-in-parallel
  "Runs a group of work elements in parallel. Returns an extended database."
  [elements database]
  (assert (set elements))
  (let [[rec simp] (separate :recursive elements)
        results-simp (pmap #(run-simple-work-element % database) simp)
        results-rec (map #(run-recursive-work-element % database) rec)
        results (concat results-simp results-rec)]
    (preduce union (cons database results))))

The exact details aren't important.

The let bindings results-simp, results-rec, and results are each a lazy
stream.  They can get quite large.  Assuming preduce can iterate over them,
is binding them in the let statement stopping them from getting garbage

If so, is the best solution to wrap them in a (fn [] ...) and then use them
like (results)?


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