In a nutshell (not tested, but nothing should miss, just typos if it doesn't
work) :

mkdir test-compile
cd test-compile
mkdir classes
mkdir src
mkdir src/echo
echo "(ns echo.test) (defn echo [msg] msg)" > src/echo/test.clj
java -cp path/to/clojure.jar:src/:classes/ clojure.lang.Repl
user> (compile 'echo.test)
user> (echo.test/echo "ECHHHOOOO!!!")

A classical error is to forget to put the classes/ folder in the classpath.
This folder (as defined by default by the global var *compile-path*) is
where clojure generates the class files, and where it the immediately tries
to load them from : so it must be on the classpath.



2009/2/12 anderspe <>

> Hi!
> I have tried to compile a simple "Hello World" but the closest a got
> was a class file, witch can't be used,
> just reports that Class Hello could not be found.
> Does anyone have time to tell me step by step how-to
> I am new to LISP and Clojure but not to Java.
> >

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