That starter-kit sounds perhaps easier. I'll try the starter-kit. I
want the install to be fairly easy, if I want to convince others at
work to play with it :).

On Feb 12, 6:35 pm, Phil Hagelberg <> wrote:
> bOR_ <> writes:
> >>> (push "/home/boris/.emacs.d" load-path)
> >>This is actually already on the load-path by default; no need to add it.
> > Standard load-path on ubuntu didn't include ~/.emacs.d for me. Not
> > sure why not.
> You're right; my bad.
> > 1. Creating a .emacs with the load-path .emacs.d
> > 2. Downloading clojure-mode.el
> > 3. replacing git:// with http:// to get past my proxy
> > 4. The slime git kept failing (stalled somewhere near the end of
> > downloading), so I removed that line from clojure-mode.el and
> > installed a snapshot of slime myself.
> > 5. The clojure git failed as well, I replaced it with the "svn
> > checkout"; in clojure-
> > mode.el
> I can't reproduce these download problems... Has anyone else had trouble
> with these URLs?
> > I think perhaps the best thing to do with the failing gits (for
> > whatever reason) is to just let the script skip the downloading of new
> > checkouts if an old checkout is present, and to let it give a message
> > like this: "Failed to checkout slime, please do so manually, install
> > in ~/src and rerun M-x clojure-install".
> Yeah, not a bad idea.
> > 1. It can't find M-x slime clojure-slime-config doesn't seem to be an
> > option either to manually run with M-x clojure<tab>
> clojure-slime-config is a function, but it's not a command, so you can't
> invoke it via M-x. It should only be invoked from your .emacs file.  I
> suspect you're missing the autoload that it mentions in the
> clojure-mode.el header:
> ;;   (autoload 'clojure-mode "clojure-mode" "A major mode for Clojure" t)
> ;;   (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.clj$" . clojure-mode))
> That should go in your .emacs file.
> I should have mentioned that if you don't already have an Emacs config,
> you could try the Emacs Starter Kit, where clojure-mode is already
> installed for you. (You would still have to install Clojure though.) But
> the autoloads are all set up for you.
> >   (setq swank-clojure-jar-path (concat clojure-src-root 
> > "/clojure/clojure.jar")
> >         swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
> >         (list (concat clojure-src-root "/contrib/src/"))))
> This isn't right according to the default installation, but if you
> checked things out manually it could be different.
> -Phil
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