it works, although it does not count nil node.
Anyway, what's the motivation behind using "sequential?" ?

On Feb 15, 11:23 am, Vincent Foley <> wrote:
> Sorry about the erroneous function, I think this is more likely what
> you want:
> (defn count-leaves [[left & right :as tree]]
>   (if (seq tree)
>     (+ (if (sequential? left)
>          (count-leaves left)
>          1)
>        (count-leaves right))
>     0))
> user> (count-leaves [])
> 0
> user> (count-leaves [1 [2 [3]]])
> 3
> user>
> On Feb 15, 10:55 am, wubbie <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Trying to convert to clojure but stumbled on it...
> > (defun count-leaves (tree)
> >   (if (atom tree)
> >   1
> >   (+ (count-leaves (car tree))
> >     (or (if (cdr tree) (count-leaves (cdr tree)))
> >         1))))
> > > (count-leaves ’((a b (c d)) (e) f))
> > 10
> > My clojure version is:
> > user=> (defn count-leaves
> >   [tree]
> >    (if (seq tree)
> >      (+ (count-leaves (first tree))
> >         (or (if (rest tree) (count-leaves (rest tree)))
> >             1))
> >      1))
> > #'user/count-leaves
> > user=> (count-leaves [1 2 3])
> > java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq
> > from: Integer (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> > But not working. I'm wondering why...
> > thanks,
> > -sun
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