I wrote something similar to what you are asking about.  My
code does not import java class files but calls 'use' on clojure
files that live in the clojure-contrib.jar file.   I load this when I
start the REPL only.

(defn name-to-symbol [lib-name]
  "Converts the lib-name to a symbol"
    (-> lib-name (.replaceFirst ".clj$" "") (.replaceAll  "_" "-")
(.replaceAll "/" ".") (symbol)))

(defn contrib-ns [jar]
  "Returns a seq of symbols from the clojure.contrib package, is not
  (for [f (map #(.getName %)
               (enumeration-seq (.entries (java.util.zip.ZipFile. jar))))
        :when (and (.endsWith f "clj")
                   (= 3 (count (.split f "/")))
                   (not (or (.endsWith f "test_clojure.clj") (.endsWith f
    (name-to-symbol f)))

;sets the variable to the colure-contrib.jar path, otherwise nil
(def contrib-jar (if-let [url (.getResource
(ClassLoader/getSystemClassLoader) "clojure-contrib.jar")]
                   (.getFile url)))

(defn use-contribs []
  "Calls the use function on every clj file in the clojure.contrib package.
Not every clj file can
  be loaded because of function name clashes with the core."
  (if contrib-jar
    (println (str "use " (reduce (fn [ret n]
                                        (use n)
                                        (conj ret n)
                                        (catch Exception _ ret))) []
(contrib-ns contrib-jar))))))

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 10:48 PM, Jason Wolfe <jawo...@berkeley.edu> wrote:

> I have a horrible hack to do this, which uses even more appalling code
> than [2] ripped off from a different forum, but which (in my limited
> experience) seems to work OK.  I'll email it to you privately, and to
> anyone else who wants to use it (just ask).
> -Jason
> On Feb 20, 9:33 pm, Brian Carper <briancar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > One could argue that wildcard imports in Java (import package.*) are
> > evil, pollute your namespaces, create potential naming conflicts,
> > etc.  One would probably be correct.
> >
> > One could also argue that having to manually type a list of dozens of
> > classnames is pretty tedious, especially if all you want to do is goof
> > off at a REPL for a few minutes.  e.g. I wanted to run some SWT
> > snippets [1], and to import all the necessary SWT classes into Clojure
> > can be a bit of a pain.
> >
> > I found this somewhat appalling bit of code [2] which I can use to get
> > a list of all the classnames in some package and then import them all
> > that way.  There are all kinds of ways that code can fail though.
> > Does anyone else have a way that they routinely import lots and lots
> > of Java classes at once?  I don't care how dirty a hack it is, I'm not
> > going to do this in production code.  I only want to save my fingers a
> > bit of typing.
> >
> > I know this probably isn't planned [3] for Clojure, just looking for
> > the best workaround.
> >
> > [1]:http://www.eclipse.org/swt/snippets/
> > [2]:http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=341935&start=30&tstart=0
> > [3]:
> http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/browse_thread/thread/c65e19d51...
> >

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