I had to do the same several months ago. You will need to create a java key 
store with the certificate. Once you have a keystore,  here's the clj-http 
docs on how to include it in an http request.


(client/post "https://example.com"; {:keystore "/path/to/keystore.ks"
                                    :keystore-type "jks" ; default: jks
                                    :keystore-pass "secretpass"})

I don't know if it's much use to you but here's how I created the keystore 
using openssl first to convert to pkcs12 then the java keytool to build the 

openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -inkey "private_key.pem" -certfile 
> cert.pem -out keystore.p12

> keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 
> -destkeystore keystore.jks

> keytool -import -alias ejbca -keystore keystore.jks -file 
> VDPCA-Sandbox.pem -storepass password

On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 3:36:41 PM UTC-8, Pierre Masci wrote:
> Hi, I am new to Clojure and using clj-http for the first time, to 
> implement a REST client.
> I don't find anywhere how to indicate where my SSL certificate is located.
> Here is what I did:
> (ns my-client.core
>   (:require [clj-http.client :as client]
>             [clojure.pprint :refer :all]))
> (def my-appkey "...")
> (defn login [username password appkey]
>   (client/post "https://.../api/certlogin";
>                {:headers     {"X-Application" appkey
>                               "Content-Type" 
> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
>                 :form-params {"username" username "password" password}}))
> (defn -main []
>   (pprint (login "..." "..." my-appkey)))
> This sends me back a response which indicates that I need to send the SSL 
> certificate.
> When I send the same request with curl and indicate the certificates, it 
> works. This is the successful curl request:
> curl -q -k --cert client-2048.crt --key client-2048.key 
> https://.../api/certlogin 
> -d "username=...&password=..." -H "X-Application: ..."

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