So I tried this:

                  new-field-value (into [] (concat old-field-value 

And I did not get what I expected. Maybe I am sleep deprived, but I don't 
see why I can't build up a vector with several values. This is in a map in 
an atom. This is the code: 

  (swap! documents
         (fn [old-documents]
            (let [
                  document (get old-documents denormalized-id {})

                  _ (errors/log document)
                  _ (errors/log field-name)
                  _ (errors/log field-value)

                  old-field-value (get old-documents field-name [])
                  new-field-value (into [] (concat old-field-value 
                  document (assoc document field-name new-field-value)

                  _ (errors/log "final document: " document)
                  new-documents (assoc old-documents denormalized-id 

Those log statements show me this for old-field-value:

({:company_profile_id ["2"], :topic :company, :url [""]})



but I in the final document I only get: 

("final document: " {:company_profile_id ["2"], :topic :company, :url 

I want: 

("final document: " {:company_profile_id ["2", "2"], :topic :company, :url 

What am I missing here? 

On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 12:28:59 PM UTC-4, 
> So I have this: 
> ({:company_profile_id ["2"], :topic :company, :url [""]})
> And then I get this field name and value: 
> (:company_profile_id)
> (["2"])
> The next 3 lines of code are: 
>                   old-field-value (get old-documents field-name [])
>                   new-field-value (into old-field-value field-value)
>                   document (assoc document field-name new-field-value)
> And when the function is next called, I end up with :
> ({:company_profile_id ["2"], :topic :company, :url [""]})
> I need: 
> ({:company_profile_id ["2", "2"], :topic :company, :url ["
> "]})
> So perhaps I've misunderstood what (into) is for? How do I add another the 
> values of these 2 vectors together? 
> On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 12:20:55 PM UTC-4, 
> wrote:
>> Using conj instead of into, for no particular reason, except debugging. 
>> The document is slowly built-up: 
>> ({:company_profile_id [["2"]], :topic :company, :url [["
>> "]]})
>> ({:company_profile_id [["2"]], :topic :company, :url [["
>> "]]})
>> ({:company_profile_id [["2"]], :topic :company, :url [[""]], 
>> :reference_id [["331089191"]]})
>> In the transition from row 1 to row 2, I assume the field being added is 
>> company_profile_id. Why is there no change? Why isn't a new value added to 
>> the vector? I must be missing something obvious. 
>> On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 11:44:40 AM UTC-4, 
>> wrote:
>>> I seem unable to figure out where I made a mistake, though this should 
>>> be simple.
>>> I have two SQL calls that bring back 5 fields:
>>>  SELECT company_profile_id ,  reference_id,  reference_source   FROM   
>>> company_reference_id    limit 1  ;
>>> +--------------------+--------------+------------------+
>>> | company_profile_id | reference_id | reference_source |
>>> +--------------------+--------------+------------------+
>>> |                  2 | 331089191    | EIN              |
>>> +--------------------+--------------+------------------+
>>>  SELECT company_profile_id, url    FROM company_website             
>>> limit 1   ;
>>> +--------------------+------------------+
>>> | company_profile_id | url              |
>>> +--------------------+------------------+
>>> |                  2 | |
>>> +--------------------+------------------+
>>> This brings back a total of 5 values. I need to have a document that has 
>>> 5 values, though if values have the same field-name, then I want to 
>>> consolidate them into one vector. There are 4 unique field names, so I 
>>> expect to end up with 4 vectors, holding 5 values. Instead, I get this: 
>>> ({:company_profile_id ["2"], :topic :company, 
>>> :how-many-rows-and-fields-from-database 13, :url [""], 
>>> :reference_id ["331089191"], :reference_source ["ein"]})
>>> I expect: 
>>> {:company_profile_id ["2" "2"]
>>> but I get: 
>>> {:company_profile_id ["2"]
>>> The documents are combined in a map in an atom, with this function: 
>>> (def documents (atom {}))
>>> (defn update-documents
>>>   [denormalized-id field-name field-value 
>>> how-many-rows-and-fields-from-database topic]
>>>   {:pre [
>>>          (not (nil? denormalized-id))
>>>          (not (nil? field-name))
>>>          (vector? field-value)
>>>          ]}
>>>   (swap! documents
>>>          (fn [old-documents]
>>>            (slingshot/try+
>>>             (let [
>>>                   document (get old-documents denormalized-id {})
>>>                   old-field-value (get old-documents field-name [])
>>>                   new-field-value (into old-field-value field-value)
>>>                   document (assoc document field-name new-field-value)
>>>                   previous-how-many-rows-and-fields-from-database (get 
>>> document :how-many-rows-and-fields-from-database 0)
>>>                   new-how-many-rows-and-fields-from-database (+ 
>>> previous-how-many-rows-and-fields-from-database 
>>> how-many-rows-and-fields-from-database)
>>>                   document (assoc document :topic topic)
>>>                   document (assoc document 
>>> :how-many-rows-and-fields-from-database 
>>> new-how-many-rows-and-fields-from-database)
>>>                   new-documents (assoc old-documents denormalized-id 
>>> document)
>>>                   ]
>>>               new-documents)
>>>             (catch Object o
>>>               (errors/log o) 
>>>               (slingshot/throw+ {
>>>                                  :type ::update-documents
>>>                                  :error o
>>>                                  }
>>>                                 ))))))
>>> Can I assume that this always gives me 2 values in a vector? 
>>>                   old-field-value (get old-documents field-name [])
>>>                   new-field-value (into old-field-value field-value)
>>>                   document (assoc document field-name new-field-value)
>>> I'm going to guess that the bug is somewhere else in my code. But if 
>>> anyone sees a flaw in this function, I'd be grateful if you could point it 
>>> out to me. 

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