I've been using the macro below to make "types" in the context of 
clara-rules, where "type" has a specific semantic. If you're going to do 
something like this, you definitely should have a very well-defined notion 
of what "type" means. 

(defmacro def-derive
     "Macros to wrap useful pattern of defining a spec and calling
      derive on the spec and a \"parent\" spec to create a hierarchy."
     ([child-name parent-name]
      `(def-derive ~child-name ~parent-name ~parent-name))
     ([child-name parent-name spec]
         (#?(:clj clojure.spec.alpha/def :cljs cljs.spec.alpha/def)
           ~child-name (#?(:clj clojure.spec.alpha/merge :cljs 
cljs.spec.alpha/merge) ~parent-name ~spec))
         (derive ~child-name ~parent-name))))

On Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 5:34:00 PM UTC-8, Didier wrote:
> I would actually love it if Spec was extended to have the concept of types.
> Something where every spec could be tied to a Type, and types could be 
> constructed to have Hierarchies.
> Not sure what the syntax would be like, but say:
> (s/def :String ::name string?)
> (s/def :String ::address (s/and string? (complement string/blank?)))
> (s/def :Person ::person (s/keys :req [::name ::address]))
> (s/def :Homeless ::homeless (s/keys :req [::name]))
> (s/defisa :Homeless :Person)
> Types would still be predicates, and all spec would be a Type too. Types 
> would be optional though. A Type is the OR of all the specs predicates 
> defined as that Type and its children types. So in the above, :Homeless is 
> (s/or ::person ::homeless).
> Now, this idea might need to be refined, but the goal would be so that 
> Spec could be used as a modeling languages for other languages. So I could 
> from a Spec auto-generate a Java class model, or a Ruby model, etc. Since 
> now I can relate predicates to types myself. It could also allow for better 
> static analysis.
> Also, might make spec extra complicated and confused to mix both 
> predicates and types, but that could depend how its done and managed.
> On Tuesday, 20 February 2018 02:41:38 UTC-8, Jan Rychter wrote:
>> I've been using spec for a while now, in a reasonably large code base 
>> (>30k lines of Clojure and ClojureScript) and there is an issue that bit me 
>> several times.
>> I use conformers for coercing data that is *almost* what I need, usually 
>> when reading from JSON (RethinkDB). Common conformers are keyword and set. 
>> And it works really well, except for one problem: there is no way to know 
>> if data has been conformed or not.
>> Calling s/valid? will tell me if the data is valid *if it has been 
>> conformed*. But what if it hasn't? Can I use the data? Is it "valid" 
>> according to the spec I wrote?
>> This is a very real problem: I've spent considerable time chasing bugs 
>> where there was a code path which did not call s/conform. The data passed 
>> all validations done with valid? and the bug manifested itself far down the 
>> road, where something expected a keyword instead of a string, or a set 
>> instead of a vector.
>> Here is a specific minimal example demonstrating what I'm talking about:
>> (ns spectest
>>   (:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
>> (s/def ::test-spec (s/and (s/conformer keyword) keyword?))
>> (s/conform ::test-spec "a") ;; :a
>> (s/valid? ::test-spec "a") ;; true
>> I expected the last valid? to return false, because my code does not 
>> expect a string, it expects a keyword, according to the spec.
>> I might be missing something, but I would much rather see valid? tell me 
>> if the data is valid for use (as supplied) and have a separate 
>> valid-when-conformed? which tells me if the data is, well, valid when 
>> conformed. It seems to me that the current valid? that does two things is 
>> confusing and not very useful for contracts.
>> At the very least I'd really like to see a function that tells me if the 
>> data is valid *as supplied*, as this is the function that I'd want to use 
>> when enforcing contracts everywhere in my code.
>> Alternatively, I could stop using conformers altogether, and write 
>> explicit data conversion functions. That might not be a bad idea, but it 
>> seems other people started using conformers, too, so eventually I'll hit 
>> the same problem again.
>> --J.

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