Phil Hagelberg <> writes:

Hi Phil,

>> If not, is there better way than inserting gazillions of printlns to
>> check why and where a function doesn't do the right thing?
> Most definitely! Break your functions up into smaller pieces, then
> write tests for them using test-is.  If your functions are hard to
> test, it's probably because they need to be broken out differently.

Yeah, might be.  To get started with clojure I tried to translate the
Miller-Rabin pseudo prime algorithm from wikipedia.  Basically it seems
to work correctly, but the preformance is really bad for numbers above a
certain limit.

Investigated it a bit more (doing the algorithm step by step in the
repl) and now I know what's the culprit:  The `expt' function from the
math contrib library is dead slow.

For number theory you often need things like

    (mod (expt n exp) m)

where the exponent may be very huge.  Is that something which cannot be
done faster in Clojure because of the Java Integer/BigInteger stuff?
That would be a shame!  I just fell in love with clojure cause the code
looks that concise and right!


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