Hi everyone,

I'm pleased to announce the release of re-graph 0.1.10 
<https://github.com/oliyh/re-graph>. re-graph is a GraphQL client for 
Clojurescript - and now Clojure! - with re-frame bindings and support for 
queries, subscriptions and mutations over websocket or HTTP.

This release *adds support for*:

   - Clojure! re-graph has been ported to cljc. Thank you @henryw374 
   <https://github.com/henryw374> for the initial work #47 

This release *fixes*:

   - Complaining about destroyed instances - thanks @iku000888 
   <https://github.com/iku000888> #45 

It's available now on Clojars.

Thanks and enjoy,

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