I'm mostly a front-end UI person with crazy amounts of JS experience so most
of my input will be from that stand point.
1. I agree with Sean on this one. No need to bring in middleware that can't
be expressed in 10X-20X less code in pure Clojure.

2. The framework should allow for any backend (even if it means in memory).
I'm currently interested in CouchDB.

3. Sure.

4. Yup. Compojure handles this nicely. If I never have to look at an Apache
httpd.conf file again I won't shed a tear.

5.1 Hmm I hate templates pages, I think Enlive is a very good start to a
real future.  Template with CSS selectors.  Mixing language into HTML is an
atrocity which much be eliminated once and for all.  Good HTML fragment
manipulation is a must. I see pure HTML+CSS fragments created by a designer.
 The coder draws up a template which targets where values will go in the
HTML via CSS3 selectors. Voila! Synchronizing design and code becomes
trivial overnight.

5.2. Compojure

6. This is going to be big, it will demolish what other people are doing.

7. See below.

8. Yup.

9. Agreed.

I've been seriously investigating porting cl-cont which is the basis for
weblocks (working on it right now fingers crossed). The only truly serious
continuation based framework is Seaside and its developers have been able to
accomplish truly amazing things.  With continuations you can define
arbitrarily complex UIs.  However, I think Seaside overemphasizes the
continuation part.  The framework should allow for restful delivery as well
as stateful interactions.  Also, weblocks got it wrong by auto-generating
HTML- designers need to be be able create markup and CSS, not just CSS.
 Seaside also gets this wrong.

JS integration with existing JS Frameworks is a must.  The recently uploaded
parenscript clone looks like a good start for allowing developers to code JS
against widgets using such a continuation based framework. Calling JS
suddenly becomes like calling Java from Clojure code.

Clojure also has something going for which is BIG that you don't get from
many frameworks. You can ssh tunnel into the running application server and
debug a live instance. For example, currently I have compojure running on
the server, I connect to it from my local emacs and can manipulate the
server via the remote REPL. I can recompile functions on the server on the

Imagine this whole system hooked up with a Comet server (SymbolicWeb did
this first). As you modify the server, changes can be propagated back to the
client without refreshing (godsend for debugging).

Then imagine this entire UI system hooked up to a robust backend of your
choosing ;)

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