Michael Reid <kid.me...@gmail.com> writes:

Hi Michael,

>>     ...
>>     Graph g = GraphIO.loadGraphFromFile("foo.tg");
>>     defInClojure("graph", g);
>>     ...
>> so that from inside SLIME I have a variable graph holding a reference
>> to the graph g from the java app.  If possible, how would I do this?
> You can create a Clojure var from Java with:
>  clojure.lang.RT.var("my-app.graphs", "my-graph", g);
> From Clojure, you would refer to this with;
>  my-app.graphs/my-graph

That's what I'm doing now, and it works like a charm.

>> Another approach would be to find the object of interest from inside
>> SLIME.  Something like (find-objects-of-class foo.bar.Graph)
>> returning a seq of all graphs.  Is something like that available?
> I have no idea if SLIME has any such call. Nor can I really think of
> how I might accomplish that, even directly from Java.

Hm, I had a quick look at the Java docs, and it seems not to be
possible.  Since it would outwit encapsulation, such a feature is surely
missing for a reason. ;-)

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