On 18.03.2009, at 19:03, Konrad Hinsen wrote:

> Why is user// an invalid token, whereas clojure.core// works
> perfectly well?

I found out in the meantime that clojure.core// is indeed handled as  
a special case by the reader (line 276 in LispReader.java), but that  
still doesn't answer the question "why". It is clear that the  
unqualified part of a symbol can contain a slash only at the  
beginning, as otherwise it could be taken for a qualified symbol. But  
I don't see a problem with any of the following:

        /  (unqualified /)
        //  (unqualified //)
        user// (/ in namespace user)
        /foo  (unqualified /foo)
        user//foo (/foo in namespace user)

But the reader allows only / and clojure.core// as special cases. Is  
this just a limitation of the current implementation, or is there a  
more fundamental reason?

A workaround I found is to create the symbol on the fly with a macro:

        (defmacro qsym
          [ns sym]
          (symbol (str ns) (str sym)))

That makes it possible to refer to user// as (qsym user /), except  
where the symbol would be an argument to another macro, in which case  
there seems to be no way around defining a specialized version of  
that macro, e.g.

        (defmacro defmethod*
          [ns name & args]
          (let [qsym (symbol (str ns) (str name))]
            (prn qsym)
            `(defmethod ~qsym ~...@args)))


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