I am trying to understand how to use SwingWorker to do time-consuming
work that needs to update a Swing GUI. The following makes a frame
with a button (which starts a SwingWorker on the first click).

Thereafter, clicking the button increments an integer n that is
displayed in the first JTextField (Event Dispatch thread).

Meanwhile the worker thread running the method doInBackground()
increments an integer m and sleeps for 2s. On each increment it calls
publish(m) which is supposed to run in the Event Dispatch thread and
show the current value of m in the second JTextField. When it has done
this ten times, the exit from doInBackground() causes the done()
method to be called (in the Event Displatch thread), which sets the

However the code (proxy-super publish m) throws this exception:

#<IllegalArgumentException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No
matching method found: publish for class

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

        '(javax.swing JFrame JPanel JButton JTextField JCheckBox SwingWorker)
        '(java.awt FlowLayout)
        '(java.awt.event ActionListener)

(def startIt (atom true))
(def n (atom 0))
(def tf1 (doto (JTextField. 5) (. setEditable false)))
(def tf2 (doto (JTextField. 5) (. setEditable false)))
(def cb (JCheckBox.))

(def worker
        (proxy [SwingWorker] []
                (doInBackground []
                        (loop [m 0]
                                (prn (str "doInBackground1: m=" m))
                                (proxy-super publish m)
                                (Thread/sleep 2000)
                                (if (< m 10)
                                        (recur (inc m))
                                        (prn (str "doInBackground2: m=" m))))
                                (catch Exception e (prn e))))
                (process [val]
                        (prn (str "process: val=" val))
                        (. tf2 (setText (str val))))
                (done []
                        (prn (str "done"))
                        (. cb (setSelected true)))))

(def buttonAction
        (proxy [ActionListener] []
                (actionPerformed [e]
                        (when @startIt (. worker execute) (swap! startIt not))
                        (dosync (swap! n inc))
                        (. tf1 (setText (str @n))))))

(def button
        (doto (JButton. "Press me") (. addActionListener buttonAction)))

(def frame
        (doto   (JFrame. "SwingWorker test")
                (.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE)
                (. add
                        (doto (JPanel. (FlowLayout.))
                                (. add button)
                                (. add tf1)
                                (. add tf2)
                                (. add cb)))
                (. pack)
                (. setVisible true)))

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