On Mar 19, 11:08 pm, Stuart Sierra <the.stuart.sie...@gmail.com>
> Hi Frantisek!
> I can see where this is useful, and the only reason I haven't
> implemented something like it for a test-is already is that I don't
> expect it would be very commonly used outside of the very specific
> case of testing the language itself. Where else, other than a language
> specification or a math library, are you going to be testing every
> combination of arguments?
> Secondly, remember that tests are just functions, with a little extra
> metadata. I thought about allowing them to accept arguments, but then
> I didn't know how to call them in run-tests. But you can define
> ordinary functions and use them in your tests. It turns out to be
> pretty easy to define all-all are this way:
> (defn all-are [pred & args]
>   (doseq [[x y] (combinations args 2)] (is (pred x y))))
> (deftest equality
>   (all-are = 0 0.0 0M 0/1)
>   (all-are #(and (= %1 %2) (not= (class %1) (class %2)))
>            (sorted-map :a 1) (array-map :a 1) (hash-map :a 1)))

Very nice! This will improve readability and ease the writing of the
I will remember to create a new function if needed.

> The only disadvantage to this is that you won't get some of the nice
> error reporting features, like individual line numbers, that you get
> when you use "is" by itself. But you would have the same problem if
> all-all are were a macro.

I like to see the line numbers, but it isn't anything necessary.
Usually, figuring out what went wrong, is much harder.

> So I guess, overall, I'm saying you shouldn't feel limited to using
> just the basic constructs that the library provides. They're just
> building blocks for your own, larger abstractions.  If there's a
> particular abstraction that shows up repeatedly in lots of different
> contexts, then I'll want to add it to the library.

I agree with keeping the core small.

> As for the fate of "are", I've always been a little uncertain about it
> because it relies heavily on the templates library. And I've always
> been uncertain about templates because they rely heavily on code
> walking and code transformation. For example, in early versions of the
> lazy branch, "are" didn't work, and I never could figure out why.
> Fundamentally, I think anonymous functions are a more robust
> abstraction than templates, and my future work will probably rely more
> on functions than templates.  Still, several people have said they
> like "are", so I wouldn't drop it lightly.

I don't like too many library dependencies and it is something to
watch for. I haven't given any deep thoughts about how to improve
'are', but its utility is great. Since 'all-are' depends on
'combinations', we just gonna have to keep this organism healthy from
the bottom to the top :-)

Thanks for the help, Frantisek

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