New release 20090320 -

Incorporates all the recent additions - fully lazy seqs, :let option
for doseq/for, letfn for mutually recursive local fns, synchronous
watches, multi-arg set/union/difference/intersection, counted?, per-
defmulti hierarchies, #_ ignore form reader macro, future-calls,
future and pcalls/pvalues, defmulti docstrings and metadata, methods/
prefers for multimethod reflection, uniform metadata handling for
atoms/refs/agents/vars/namespaces, condp, release-pending-sends, AOT
tweaks to support applets and Android, etc. All this in addition to
many fixes and enhancements.

The API docs page is now current - changes to the rest of the site
will come soon.

This release includes many patches from contributors, and input and
reports from many users - thanks all!


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