It's also not as maintainable as using a single multi-method.

Like I said, not pretty, but it works.


On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 11:38 AM, David Nolen <>wrote:

> This works well as long as you don't mind the perf hit for the second
> dispatch :)
> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Paul Stadig <> wrote:
>> You could use multiple multi-methods:
>> user=> (defmulti plus-int (fn [x y] (type y)))
>> #'user/plus-int
>> user=> (defmethod plus-int :default [x y] (println "the first is an int"))
>> #<MultiFn clojure.lang.mult...@11992cc>
>> user=> (defmethod plus-int java.lang.Double [x y] (println "one of each"))
>> #<MultiFn clojure.lang.mult...@11992cc>
>> user=> (defmulti plus (fn [x y] (type x)))
>> #'user/plus
>> user=> (defmethod plus java.lang.Integer [x y] (plus-int x y))
>> #<MultiFn clojure.lang.mult...@40f603>
>> user=> (plus 1 5)
>> the first is an int
>> nil
>> user=> (plus 1 3.0)
>> one of each
>> nil
>> user=>
>> Not very pretty. (Written backwards courtesy of the REPL ;))
>> Paul
>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 11:18 AM, Rich Hickey <>wrote:
>>> On Mar 20, 10:56 am, Konrad Hinsen <> wrote:
>>> > Providing a :default implementation for multimethods is a very common
>>> > and useful technique, but it is really useful only for multimethods
>>> > that dispatch on a single argument.
>>> I disagree about that. No dispatch value, composite or not, is still a
>>> valid concept.
>>> > What I am looking for is an
>>> > equivalent technique for multiple-argument dispatch.
>>> >
>>> > Suppose you have a multimethod + of two arguments, and you want to
>>> > dispatch on both of them:
>>> >
>>> >         (defmulti + (fn [x y] [(type x) (type y)]))
>>> >
>>> > You can then write implementations such as
>>> >
>>> >         (defmethod + [java.lang.Integer java.lang.Double] ...)
>>> >
>>> > You can also provide a default implementation, of course:
>>> >
>>> >         (defmethod + :default  ...)
>>> >
>>> > But suppose you want to provide a default for one argument only?
>>> > Something like
>>> >
>>> >         (defmethod + [java.lang.Integer ::any] ...)
>>> >
>>> I think it is best to think about this differently than :default, it's
>>> more about a universal parent than about a missing dispatch value.
>>> > i.e. a multimethod that matches all invocations in which the first
>>> > argument is an integer. I don't currently see a simple way to do
>>> > this. For types in the Java class hierarchy, you can use Object as
>>> > the parent of all types, but there is nothing equivalent in Clojure's
>>> > ad-hoc hierarchies.
>>> >
>>> > Would it be a good idea to provide the possiblity to add a universal
>>> > parent to hierarchies? Or would that create any problems? Is there
>>> > another solution for the situation I described?
>>> >
>>> Yes, don't know, and no. I briefly looked at this but only got as far
>>> as to decide Object couldn't be the universal parent. I think you have
>>> to reserve a value that will never otherwise be used.
>>> Rich
> >

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