I can try that.

More generally, is it possible that I'm just doing this whole thing
wrong?  That using vectors to represent binary fields and records in a
declarative is just a bad idea and that I should try and explore lower-
level alternatives?


On Mar 23, 3:35 pm, Christophe Grand <christo...@cgrand.net> wrote:
> Hi Vincent!
> Vincent Foley a écrit :
> > Using the new versions of null-string and read-field-aux that you gave
> > me, in my real application, the execution time went from 160 seconds
> > to 150 seconds.  As for using macros, I wrote one for the example
> > program, but I realized that it wouldn't work in my application,
> > because I sometimes use (apply parse-buffer buf field-vector).
> I looked at your program, you can use macros there too.
> Given compile-fields a function that outputs the code of a closure
> taking a ByteBuffer as only argument then you can rewrite action as a
> macro like this:
> (defmacro action
>   [name & v-forms]
>   {:name name
>    :fields (compile-fields v-forms)}) and replace (apply parse-buffer
> buf fields) with (fields buf).
> Do you think it's feasible?
> --
> Professional:http://cgrand.net/(fr)
> On Clojure:http://clj-me.blogspot.com/(en)
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