
I am trying to organise my code in namespaces and needed a
little help.

Basically I have created the following namespaces similar to
the following:

src/org/ppm/foo.clj -> org.ppm.foo
src/org/ppm/foo/bar.clj -> org.ppm.foo.bar
src/org/ppm/foo/baz.clj -> org.ppm.foo.baz

foo.clj is an empty file which does nothing but
combines bar and baz:

== foo.clj ==
(ns org.ppm.foo
  (:use [org.ppm.foo bar baz]))

After having the jar in classpath, I create a simple
test.clj script that I load.

== test.clj ==
(use 'org.ppm.foo)

At this point, test.clj does not see the functions
defined in bar and baz.
Doing a (in-ns 'org.ppm.foo) before function calls
makes it work fine.

Is there a way to have foo.clj selectively (or all) expose
functions from bar and baz to the end user via foo namespace?

Do I need to put all exposed functions into foo.clj? I would
prefer to keep them in bar and baz if possible as those
are logical blocks for me.


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