I tried surrounding the call to the (. buf# (get)) method and putting
the coercion directly inside the mask8 and mask16 functions.  Neither
worked.  I want to mention at this point that I have *warn-on-
reflection* set to true for the little script that uses the library
and it doesn't report any call to methods that it can't resolve.

Here's the complete -Xprof output, if it helps.

Flat profile of 176.10 secs (11351 total ticks): main

  Interpreted + native   Method
  4.5%   511  +     0    java.lang.Integer.hashCode
  1.4%   160  +     0    java.lang.Integer.intValue
  0.8%    91  +     0    starcraft.replay.unpack
  0.7%    80  +     0    clojure.lang.Numbers.int_array
  0.2%    25  +     0    clojure.lang.PersistentVector.pushTail
  0.1%    15  +     2    java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1
  0.1%    16  +     0
  0.1%     4  +    11    clojure.core__init.load
  0.1%    10  +     0    clojure.lang.PersistentVector.cons
  0.1%     8  +     0    starcraft.replay.actions$fn__71.invoke
  0.1%     8  +     0
  0.1%     0  +     7    java.lang.reflect.Array.setInt
  0.1%     7  +     0    clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap
  0.1%     7  +     0    clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
  0.1%     7  +     0    clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
  0.1%     7  +     0    starcraft.replay.unpack
  0.1%     7  +     0    starcraft.replay.parse
  0.1%     6  +     0    clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper
  0.1%     6  +     0    clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
  0.1%     6  +     0    clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap
  0.0%     0  +     5    java.lang.reflect.Array.newArray
  0.0%     0  +     5    java.lang.Class.forName0
  0.0%     0  +     5    java.util.zip.Inflater.inflateBytes
  0.0%     5  +     0    java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.<init>
  0.0%     5  +     0    java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange
 10.9%  1157  +    76    Total interpreted (including elided)

     Compiled + native   Method
 10.4%  1183  +     1    starcraft.replay.parse$fn__23$fn__49.invoke
 10.0%  1123  +    17    starcraft.replay.unpack
  9.2%  1043  +     0    clojure.core$next__3096.invoke
  8.9%  1014  +     0    starcraft.replay.parse
  5.5%   626  +     0    clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
  4.3%   474  +    17    clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.assoc
  4.1%   464  +     7    clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
  2.9%   333  +     0    clojure.lang.Cons.next
  2.5%   288  +     0    clojure.lang.RT.seq
  2.4%   269  +     0    clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper
  2.2%   249  +     0
  1.8%   202  +     0    clojure.core$seq__3112.invoke
  1.6%   174  +     3    clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo
  1.3%   140  +     2    clojure.lang.APersistentMap.cons
  1.2%   130  +     1    clojure.core$spread__3225.invoke
  1.1%   127  +     0    clojure.lang.PersistentStructMap.valAt
  0.8%    93  +     0    clojure.core$reduce__3304.invoke
  0.6%    66  +     2    starcraft.replay.unpack
  0.6%    63  +     0    clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.valAt
  0.1%    13  +     1    clojure.core$conj__3100.invoke
  0.1%     9  +     0    clojure.lang.APersistentMap.invoke
  0.1%     3  +     6    starcraft.replay.parse
  0.1%     8  +     0    clojure.core$nthnext__4405.invoke
  0.1%     0  +     7    clojure.lang.ArraySeq.next
  0.0%     0  +     5    clojure.lang.APersistentVector.assoc
 72.3%  8126  +    76    Total compiled (including elided)

         Stub + native   Method
 15.1%     0  +  1711    java.lang.reflect.Array.setInt
  1.2%     0  +   135    java.lang.System.arraycopy
  0.3%     0  +    31    java.lang.reflect.Array.set
  0.1%     0  +    15    java.io.FileInputStream.readBytes
  0.1%     0  +    13    java.lang.reflect.Array.get
  0.1%     0  +     7    java.lang.Object.getClass
  0.0%     0  +     1    java.lang.Thread.currentThread
 16.9%     0  +  1913    Total stub

  Thread-local ticks:
  0.0%     1             Class loader
  0.0%     2             Unknown: no last frame

Flat profile of 0.01 secs (1 total ticks): DestroyJavaVM

  Thread-local ticks:
100.0%     1             Blocked (of total)

Global summary of 176.12 seconds:
100.0% 11603             Received ticks
  2.1%   246             Received GC ticks
  4.3%   495             Compilation
  0.0%     2             Other VM operations
  0.0%     1             Class loader
  0.0%     2             Unknown code
176.257 secs

On Mar 31, 8:57 pm, David Nolen <dnolen.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks to cl-format:
> (fn
>  [buf__2572__auto__ len__2573__auto__]
>  (if (= len__2573__auto__ 1)
>      (mask8 (. buf__2572__auto__ (get)))
>      (let [arr__2574__auto__ (int-array len__2573__auto__)]
>        (dotimes
>    [i__2575__auto__ len__2573__auto__]
>  (aset-int
>           arr__2574__auto__
>           i__2575__auto__
>           (mask8 (. buf__2572__auto__ (get)))))
>        arr__2574__auto__)))
> This is the expansion for (make-reader get mask8), where were you attempting
> putting the int coercion to to the mask-fn?
> David
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Vincent Foley <vfo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I tried using aset-int and I tried using int to coerce the result of
> > mask-fn, the input argument to mask-fn and few other things, but none
> > of that seems to make a difference so far.  Mind you, this is an
> > aspect of Clojure that I find a little confusing, so I'm just putting
> > int calls here and there and looking at what happens.
> > On Mar 31, 10:46 am, Christophe Grand <christo...@cgrand.net> wrote:
> > > Did you try to coerce the result of (~mask-fn ...) with int?
> > > (or use aset-int as suggested by David)
> > > On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Vincent Foley <vfo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > No, but in my defense I did not know such a function existed :)  I'll
> > > > give it a whirl and report back!
> > > > On Mar 31, 9:57 am, David Nolen <dnolen.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > Did you try using aset-int instead of aset?
> > > > > On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Vincent Foley <vfo...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > > > > For those interested, I managed to improve the performance of my
> > > > > > original program from 2 minutes 40 seconds to decode 1000+ files
> > down
> > > > > > to 2 minutes.  I'm still far from my goal, but it's an improvement,
> > > > > > especially since the code is shorter and (IMO) cleaner.  You can
> > see
> > > > > > it here:
> >http://bitbucket.org/gnuvince/clj-starcraft/src/tip/src/starcraft/rep.
> > > > ..
> > > > > > And here's another question, running the program with -Xprof shows
> > > > > > that nearly 20% of my execution time is spent calling
> > > > > > java.lang.reflect.Array.set.  Is there something wrong with the way
> > I
> > > > > > type hint my array in make-reader?
> > > > > > Thanks,
> > > > > > Vincent.
> > > > > > On Mar 19, 8:12 pm, Vincent Foley <vfo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > > > Hello,
> > > > > > > For the past few days, I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to make
> > an
> > > > > > > application I wrote faster.  A Java program that performs, more
> > or
> > > > > > > less, the same task takes 12 seconds (on my machine) to parse
> > 1000
> > > > > > > files; my Clojure program takes nearly 3 minutes.  This more than
> > an
> > > > > > > order of magnitude slower!  Using the profiling tools available
> > with
> > > > > > > the JVM, I quickly determined which function was the costliest.
> >  I
> > > > > > > copied it into a simple script file to profile it in isolation.
> >  I
> > > > > > > have made the script and the profile results (long!) available at
> > > > this
> > > > > > > URL:http://gist.github.com/82136
> > > > > > > I'm finding the results puzzling: is dereferencing a var *that*
> > > > > > > expensive?  Can anyone tell me if they see something
> > fundamentally
> > > > > > > wrong with my approach that would explain this abysmal
> > performance?
> > > > > > > Thank you,
> > > > > > > Vincent.
> > > > > > > P.S.: I am using Sun's JVM 1.6.0_10 as shipped in Ubuntu Ibex.
> >  My
> > > > > > > machine is an Athlon 64 X2 4200+ with 3 GB of RAM.
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