Sorry for all these posts.

I pasted my last post's code into a fresh repl (not in my IDE), and
here's what I got (cleaned up):

  québécois françaisnil
  qu?b?cois fran?aisnil

  québécois françaisnil
  qu?b?cois fran?aisnil

I'm not sure what to make out of it.

My terminal (Apple Terminal) supports the encoding, and prints
correctly s and snc out of the box.
When I use with-out-encoded, I actually screw up both s and snc's

Daniel Jomphe wrote:
> Now that I know for sure how to bind *out* to something else over
> System/out, it's time to bring back my encoding issues into scope:
>   (import '( PrintWriter PrintStream))
>   (defmacro with-out-encoded
>     [encoding & body]
>     `(binding [*out* ( (
> System/out true ~encoding) true)]
>               ~...@body
>               (flush)))
>   (def nc "ISO-8859-1")
>   ;;; with a normal string
>   (def s "québécois français")
>   (print s)
>   ; quÔøΩbÔøΩcois franÔøΩaisnil
>   (with-out-encoded nc (print s))
>   ; qu?b?cois fran?aisnil
>   ;;; with a correctly-encoded string
>   (def snc (String. (.getBytes s nc) nc))
>   (print snc)
>   ; qu?b?cois fran?aisnil
>   (with-out-encoded nc (print snc))
>   ; qu?b?cois fran?aisnil
> I'm certainly missing something fundamental somewhere.
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