On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 7:45 AM, billh04 <h...@tulane.edu> wrote:
> I downloaded and installed NetBeans and the Enclojure plugin.
> I am not clear on how to setup the "main" class.
> I modified the "main" class generated by the template to look like the
> following:
> =============================
> (defn -main ([args] (startNewAchiTask))
>  ([ ] (-main nil)))
> =============================
> This works, but I am not sure what is going on.
> Why are there parentheses around "[args] (startNewAchiTask)"?

This function accepts either one or zero arguments.  The first list is
for the former case.  The second one is for the latter.

> What is "([ ] (-main nil))"?

If it is called with zero arguments:


it will automatically call itself with a single argument of nil:

(-main nil)

> Thanks for any help on these questions.

See also http://clojure.org/special_forms#fn (defn expands into (def
... (fn ...))) and http://clojure.org/api#defn

Michael Wood <esiot...@gmail.com>

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