Hi, I am trying to define a macro something like this:

        (create-button b)
        (create-label l))
    (on-event b "pressed" (fn [] (.setText l "Hello World"))))

After a lot of messing around (I am learning all the time here!) I
have a version of defwidget that generates the code I want but I get
"Can't let qualified name" errors.

This is where my understanding of macros is giving me problems.  I
want the forms inside "vlayout"  to expand to local vars in a let
form.  The above example would expand to:

(let [b (create-button)
        l (create-label)]
    (on-event b "pressed" (fn [] (.setText l "Hello World"))

where on-event is just a function.  So I want to build the let form
then have the body use the local vars defined by the let form.  So if
I understand correctly I explicity want to allow variable capture,
don't I?  I am not sure how to achieve what I need.  Clojure
automatically qualifies the vars and I just want to just turn off that
behaviour I think...

For completeness, here's the source for my macro but beware - it's
incomplete, very messy and probably unreadable!

(defmacro defwidget [& body]
  `(let [panel# (javax.swing.JPanel.)
         ~@(flat1 (map (fn [[type inst]] [inst (list type)]) (rest (first 
    ~(second body)
    (doto panel#
      (.setLayout (javax.swing.BoxLayout. panel# javax.swing.BoxLayout/Y_AXIS))
      (.add l)
      (.add b))))

(defn flat1 [coll]
     (mapcat #(if (coll? %) % [%]) coll))

The code that generates the let form is on line 3.  I need some way of
getting "inst" to expand to its value without Clojure qualifying it.
I think that's what I need anyway - this is all very confusing to me

I'm sure there are lots of ways to clean this macro up - comments welcome.

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