I have a structure of nested Maps and Vectors as follows:

(def document
        [{:quantity 1}
         {:quantity 2}]}
        [{:quantity 3}
         {:quantity 4}]}]})

The document has a vector of sections (one, in this case), each
section has a vector of items (two, here).

I want to increment the quantity of every item in every section. The
cleanest solution I've found this far is as follows:

(defn update-item [item]
  (update-in item [:quantity] inc))

(defn update-section [section]
  (update-in section [:items] (partial map update-item)))

(update-in document [:sections]
        (partial map update-section))

I'm not concerned about map turning vectors into seqs.

If update-in supported some kind of wildcard, I could write this:

 (update-in document [:sections * :items * :quantity] inc)

Where * is a wildcard, meaning "any key".

Does the wildcard idea have any merit? Is there a better way to go
about this?
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