i wonder if others would think it'd be interesting to integrate clojure with

... maybe fork the project so that running a clj file feels exactly like
running a py file ... embed the jvm in an exe.

Maybe others like the fact that it works on top of any jvm, but I think it
increases the bar for getting non-java newbies.  Not everyone wants to have
to install a large jvm from sun and write start up scripts before they can
get started.
2009/4/17 e <evier...@gmail.com>

> it was kind of annoying, at first, to have to type up the startup script
> myself from the "getting started" wiki page (or cut-n-paste).  Seemed like
> it should have come with the download, but once I dedicated some time to it,
> it was ok.  Netbeans plugin, I think, was a good substitute when I just
> wanted to dive in, but then I didn't really get what was going on, per se.
> In the end, I now think it was good to walk through the getting started
> page.  It's like clojure comes as a "kit car".  Then when you are driving
> it, you have a better chance of having some idea how to pop the hood and
> tinker.
> On the other hand, I don't think this would appeal to potential python
> converts who can install python, and five seconds later, and two lines of
> code learn how to write a script to untar/unzip a file.  In that particular
> case I think it was awesome that there was such an easy work-around to
> windows not coming with a way to untar/unzip out of the box.  Easier to
> install python and do it than any other solution, I found.  No admin rights
> needed, no separate jvm/jdk/IDE download, etc.
> 2009/4/17 Mark Volkmann <r.mark.volkm...@gmail.com>
>> On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 4:10 PM, Marko Kocić <marko.ko...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > I have seen various scripts to start clojure in the net. Everyone
>> > seems to have its favourite, even contrib has one. Also, there are a
>> > lot of questions what is the "bestest" way to invoke clojure, how to
>> > start REPL, how to run script, compile file, should it be used with
>> > server or client VM.
>> >
>> > Do you think it would be benefitial to have such script included as
>> > part of standard clojure?
>> I think this would be beneficial, especially for beginners.
>> --
>> R. Mark Volkmann
>> Object Computing, Inc.
>> >>

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