In my application, I can open several windows. Each window is an
independent unit and will send-off three agents to do background work.
When I close a window, I stop the three threads from running, but the
thread count never goes down when I display it by (println "Thread
count is" (Thread/activeCount)).

The thread count is always increasing. When I open a new window, the
thread count goes up by 3 as expected. But, when I close that window
and open another window, the thread count was not diminished by the
closing. If I open seveal windows in a row and then close them and
open one more window, the thread count does not go up. But, if I open
several more windows and reach the max thread count that I was at
before, the thread count starts to go up again and will never go below
that count again.

I think I read that the threads are being retained to be used again
when needed. So, I am not surprised at this behaviour.

But, to prevent this increasing retention of threads, is there some
way to release the three threads that I started when the window
opened? For example, it would be nice to have a function like
(shutdown agent1 agent2 agent3).
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