Hi David,

Those two are not recursive, but they call into other functions that
are. Do I need to make sure that all recursive functions use the loop/
recur pattern? Or should I not nest recursive calls like this?

Here is the whole source:

;; Neuron Activation Functions

(defn threshold [x] (if (>= x 0) 1 0))

;signum (threshold)
(defn signum [x] (cond (> x 0) 1 (= x 0) 0 (< x 0) -1))

;; Matrix Functions

(defn transpose [matrix]
  (if (not (nil? matrix))
      (apply map list matrix)))

(defn transpose2 [matrix]
  (apply map (fn [& column] column) matrix))

(defn matrixMultiply [matrixA matrixB]
    (fn [row] (apply map (fn [& column] (apply + (map * row column)))

(defn matrixAdd [matrixA matrixB]
  (if (and (not (empty? matrixA)) (not (empty? matrixB)))
        (matrixAdd (rest matrixA) (rest matrixB))
        (map + (first matrixA) (first matrixB)))))

(defn matrixMultiplyScalar [matrixA scalar]
  (if (not (empty? matrixA))
        (matrixMultiplyScalar (rest matrixA) scalar)
        (map (fn [arg] (* arg scalar)) (first matrixA)))))

;; Vector Functions

(defn transposeVector [v]
  (if (not (nil? v))
      (transpose (vector v))))

(defn vectorMultiplyScalar [v scalar]
  (map * v (cycle [ scalar ])))

;; Binary Logic Input/Output

(def infiniteInputCollection (cycle [[[-1 -1]] [[-1 1]] [[1 -1]] [[1
(def infiniteAndOutputCollection (cycle [-1 -1 -1 1]))

(defn buildInputs [numberOfInputs]
  (loop [inputVector []
         binaryInputCollection infiniteInputCollection
         remainingCount numberOfInputs]
        (if (> 0 remainingCount)
              (conj inputVector (first binaryInputCollection)) (rest
binaryInputCollection) (dec remainingCount)))))

(defn buildOutputs [numberOfOutputs outputCollection]
  (loop [outputVector []
         andOutputCollection outputCollection
         remainingCount numberOfOutputs]
        (if (> 0 remainingCount)
            (recur (conj outputVector (first andOutputCollection))
(rest andOutputCollection) (dec remainingCount)))))

;; Main

;learning rate parameter eta
(def learningRateParameter 0.5)

;the weight vector of the perceptron
(def weightVector (ref nil))

;multiply the transpose of the weight vector with the input vector
;apply the signum function to the scalar result
(defn computeActualResponse [signumFunction weights inputs]
  (if (and (not (nil? weights)) (not (nil? inputs)))
      (signumFunction (first (first (matrixMultiply (transpose
weights) inputs))))))

;return an updated weight vector of the perceptron
(defn getAdaptedWeightVector [weights inputs desiredResponse
  (let [etaDeltaDesiredActual (* learningRateParameter (-
desiredResponse actualResponse))]
       (matrixAdd weights (matrixMultiplyScalar inputs

;train the perceptron with the inputs and corresponding known outputs
(defn trainPerceptron [beginningWeightVector allInputs allOutputs]
  (loop [weightVector beginningWeightVector
         inputs allInputs
         responses allOutputs]
        (if (and (not (empty? inputs)) (not (empty? responses)))
            (let [adaptedWeightVector
                    (first inputs)
                    (first responses)
                    (computeActualResponse signum weightVector (first
                 (recur adaptedWeightVector (rest inputs) (rest

(defn main [sizeOfDataSet]
  (let [weights [[0 0]]
        inputs (buildInputs sizeOfDataSet)
        outputs (buildOutputs sizeOfDataSet
       (trainPerceptron weights inputs outputs)))

On Apr 20, 6:32 am, David Nolen <dnolen.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You have two other function calls
> getAdaptedWeightVector
> computeActualResponse
> Are these recursive as well?
> On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 11:26 PM, jleehurt <jleeh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all, I have the following code that trains a perceptron with the
> > given inputs and corresponding desired inputs. For input/output
> > vectors, when the size gets to about 2000, I am getting a
> > java.lang.StackOverflowError in the following function:
> > (defn trainPerceptron [beginningWeightVector allInputs allOutputs]
> >  (loop [weightVector beginningWeightVector
> >         inputs allInputs
> >         responses allOutputs]
> >        (if (and (not (empty? inputs)) (not (empty? responses)))
> >            (let [adaptedWeightVector
> >                  (getAdaptedWeightVector
> >                    weightVector
> >                    (first inputs)
> >                    (first responses)
> >                    (computeActualResponse signum weightVector (first
> > inputs)))]
> >                 (recur adaptedWeightVector (rest inputs) (rest
> > responses)))
> >            weightVector)))
> > Is not the purpose of loop/recur to avoid stack overflow problems?
> > What am I doing wrong?
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