On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Meikel Brandmeyer <m...@kotka.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 22.04.2009 um 16:57 schrieb samppi:
>> Let's say I have a sequence of integers:
>> (def a (3 9 1 5 102 -322 ...))
>> Is there a function for inserting an object—let's say :foo—after
>> elements that fulfill a certain predicate?
>> Furthermore, I mean inserting :foo after any block of elements that
>> fulfill it:
>> (mystery-function (partial > 6) a) ; -> (3 :foo 9 1 5 :foo 102
>> -322 :foo ...)
>> Is it possible to do this without a loop?
> (defn mystery-function
>  [f o s]
>  (when-let [s (seq s)]
>    (lazy-seq
>      (let [fst (first s)]
>        (concat [fst]
>                (when (f fst) [o])
>                (mystery-function f o (rest s)))))))

Your version gives the same answer as mine, but I believe what he
wants is something that skips over all the elements that pass the test
and only inserts one instance of o after them.  That's why in his
example there is not a :foo after 1, but only after 5.

Laurent's version gets this right.

Michael Wood <esiot...@gmail.com>

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