I'm trying to create a macro that will splice in some additional
elements to a structure. If I have an input struture like so:

    (p (s (c foo bar)) (s (c baz qux)))

I'd like to be able to do (splice grp layout (rest my-data)) and have
it return:

    ((s grp layout (c foo bar)) (s grp layout (c baz qux)))

Here's the closest I came:

    (defmacro splice [a b & body]
      (let [sbody (map (fn [f] (list* (first f) a b (rest f))) body)]

but it's just returning an empty list, anyone see what I;m doing

In context: I'm trying to create a nice wrapper around GroupLayout,
I'd ike to be able to set up (in Java or Clojure) a Map<String,
Component> and then use something like

    (defmacro create-form [#^Container container #^Map components &
      (let [layout (GroupLayout. container)]
       (.setLayout container layout)

to turn a form this this

(create-form container component-map
  (horizontal (p (s (c "foo" "bar")) (s (c "baz" "qux"))))
  (vertical (s (p "foo" "baz") (p "bar" "qux"))))

with p creating a parallel group, s creating a sequential group, and c
containing a list of component names to add (looked up from component-

Any thought on this idea would also be appreciated.

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