clojure.contrib-duck-streams has a similar function, read-lines, that
does close the Reader after all the lines have been read (and the
sequence consumed).  It's not entirely safe, because if an exception
or something prevents you from reading all the lines, the Reader
remains open.

-Stuart Sierra

On Apr 28, 1:01 pm, Bradbev <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to use line-seq, and have it close the input reader.
> My first attempt was
> (with-open [stream (BufferedReader.)]
> (line-seq stream))
> Which crashes immediately because you can't read lines from a closed
> seq.  So, the only way to explicitly close the reader associated with
> line-seq is to keep another ref to it.
> Is it a good idea for line-seq to close its BufferedReader when there
> is no more data?  Or at least provide an optional parameter that
> allows/disallows close?
> Cheers,
> Brad
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