Thanks Christophe,
> Using a default return value, you can rewrite the (if-let...) as (conj
> (amap key ()) item).
A good point, getting clojure and clojure :)

(defn seq-to-multimap
  "takes a sequence s of possibly repeating elements
   and converts it to a map, where keys are obtained
   by applying key-fn to elements of s and values are
   sequences of all elements of s with a given key"
  [s key-fn]
   (fn [m el]
     (let [key (key-fn el)]
       (assoc m key (conj (m key []) el))))
   {} s))


On Apr 28, 5:31 pm, Christophe Grand <> wrote:
> Hi Boris,
> Boris Mizhen a écrit :
> > I am starting to learn clojure. I would appreciate comments on the
> > utility function below.
> > Coding style, idiomatic Clojure, comment style, efficiency, naming
> > conventions, indentations (used slime) ... anything I should
> > improve :)
> > (defn seq-to-multimap [s key-fn]
> >   "takes a sequence s of possibly repeating elements
> >    and converts it to a map, where keys are obtained by applying key-
> > fn
> >    to elements of s and values are sequence of all elements of s with
> > the
> >    particular key"
> >   (reduce
> >    (fn [amap item]
> >      (let [key (key-fn item)]
> >        (assoc amap key
> >          (if-let [it (amap key)]
> >            (conj it item)
> >            (list item)))))
> >    {} s))
> First, you misplaced the docstring: it comes before the args vector.
> Using a default return value, you can rewrite the (if-let...) as (conj
> (amap key ()) item).
> > user> (seq-to-multimap [1 :key :key 2 3 3 nil] #(identity %1))
> > {nil (nil), 3 (3 3), 2 (2), :key (:key :key), 1 (1)}
> Here you don't need to write #(identity %1), "identity" suffices.
> > Would it be better to have this function to create a list of lists
> > using an equality op instead?
> I think it's a better choice to have it return a map because, to compute
> the result, you need to efficiently index by key.
> --
> Professional:
> On Clojure:
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