I'm beginning to do more work in Clojure (just a side project for now,
but an interesting one).

A couple of things I'm missing from Clojure in terms of building &
deploying an application is built-in Ant tasks for common actions:
- Pre-compiling Clojure
- Starting up a REPL (and perhaps passing a form to evaluate)
- Generating XML/HTML documentation

Two of these things are possible using clumsy Ant operation. Creating
a proper Ant task for them is not much work and would make it easier
and more consistent for Clojure library builders.

I've seen that the documentation for clojure-contrib if generated
automatically; perhaps some of that logic could move into

Of course, this could all be done as part of clojure-contrib, and
virtually any real project will use some of clojure-contrib but it
still feels more "complete" to have it build into clojure-lang. Flip
side: a fourth task for running tests should be in clojure-contrib (or
test-is should move to clojure-lang).

So do others feel the same need for these things as I do? And do they
belong in clojure-lang or clojiure-contrib?

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator of Apache Tapestry
Director of Open Source Technology at Formos

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