On May 3, 2009, at 11:29 AM, Stephen C. Gilardi wrote:

        user=> (my-cool-func)
        entered user/my_cool_func

But my_cool_func isn't my-cool-func...

Corrected code in "unmangle" in case anybody wants to use it sometime:

(ns debug-utils
  (:use [clojure.contrib.str-utils :only (re-sub)]))

(defn unmangle
"Given the name of a class that implements a Clojure function, returns the function's name in Clojure. Note: If the true Clojure function name
  contains any underscores (a rare occurrence), the unmangled name will
  contain hyphens at those locations instead."
   (re-sub #"^(.+)\$(.+)__\d+$" "$1/$2" class-name)
   \_ \-))

(defmacro current-function-name []
  "Returns a string, the name of the current Clojure function"
  `(-> (Throwable.) .getStackTrace first .getClassName unmangle))


        Clojure 1.0.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT
        user=> (use 'debug-utils)
        user=> (defn my-cool-func []
        (println "entered" (current-function-name))
        user=> (my-cool-func)
        entered user/my-cool-func


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