2009/5/4 Nathan Hawkins <uts...@gmail.com>:
> Possibly I'm going about this wrong. I'm trying to understand how best
> to construct maps from sequences, by applying a function which returns a
> key / value pair.
> Something like this:
> (ns test (:use clojure.contrib.str-utils))
> (def test-str "foo=1;bar=2;baz=3")
> (defn split-kv [text]
>  (let [[k v] (re-split #"=" text )]
>   {k v}))
> (defn split-pairs [text]
>  (re-split #";" text))
> (map split-kv (split-pairs test-str))
> -> ({"foo" "1"} {"bar" "2"} {"baz" "3"})
> Doesn't really do what I had in mind. And yeah, I figured out that I can
> convert that to a hash-map in various ways, but I had expected map to be
> able to do this.

Hi, no, maybe you make a confusion with the word "map" as in
"hash-map" and as in "mapping". The latter is the meaning for the map
function: mapping a sequence to another sequence (and the result will
always be a sequence).

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