Stephen C. Gilardi wrote:

> I've simplified my .emacs file and clojure launch script to only what's
> required for my slime setup to work with swank-clojure. With this
> simplified setup, I confirmed that slime's repl works and that M-. after
> typing (+ brings me to the definition of + in clojure.core.
> The way I use slime/swank is to handle all Classpath issues myself in my
> "swank-clojure-binary" launch script. I've found that setup to break
> only very rarely with slime/swank/clojure updates. Other strategies may
> perform equally well or better, but I haven't tried them.
> In the setup below, "/sq/ext" is a directory where I keep third party
> source controlled package. I'm running all from the HEAD of their Source
> Control repository. I did a fresh update just now.
> Are you able to duplicate this setup to try?

Many thanks for taking out some time to help me. I have good news, and
bad news.

Bad news first.

I duplicated your setup and even then it didn't work.

And that made me suspect my ~/.emacs file itself. It's working for you
and it's working for Phil (and everybody else), but not me. There must
be something wrong with my config.

The Good news.

I started with a bare .emacs file and it worked! Then I analysed each
and every line of my 5 year old .emacs and finally zeroed in to one line.

(add-to-list 'auto-coding-alist '("." . utf-8))

Yes. That line screwed up everything for me. I removed it and everything
is working fine now.

Now I need to find out why that line was causing the problem.

Thanks a lot Stephen & Phil. You guys (as well as the Clojure community)
made my day.


Baishampayan Ghose <>

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