I have now the same problem, but under Mac OS X 10.5

Things used to work few days ago (if not yesterday)

On May 18, 7:32 am, klang <karstenl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> First things first:
> swank doesn't load and slime can't connect to the *inferior-lisp*
> running clojure
> I am missing something obvious, please advice.
> ..this is what I did:
> Starting up cygwin, I prepare to install clojure.
>     mkdir -p ~/lisp/clj
>     cd ~/lisp/clj
>     git clone git://github.com/jochu/clojure-mode.git
> in emacs I add JAVA_HOME, ANT_HOME and update PATH accordingly
> (setenv "JAVA_HOME" "c:/jdk1.6.0_11")
> (setenv "ANT_HOME" "~/tools/apache-ant-1.7.1")
> (setenv "PATH"
>         (concat (getenv "ANT_HOME") "/bin;"
>                 (getenv "JAVA_HOME") "/bin;"
>                 (getenv "PATH")))
> Now, the only thing I need to do is tell clojure-mode where I want the
> source code and then use the build-in clojure-install to bootstrap the
> rest of the system .. easy!
> (setq clojure-src-root "~/lisp/clj")
> (add-to-list 'load-path "~/lisp/clj/clojure-mode")
> (require 'clojure-mode)
> M-x clojure-install is executed
> The process finishes by telling me to add a line to my .emacs file
> (eval-after-load 'clojure-mode '(clojure-slime-config))
> To be on the safe side, I evaluate this line and start slime with M-x
> slime which gives the following messages:
> (add-classpath "file:///c:/klang/lisp/clj/swank-clojure/")
> (require 'swank.swank)
> (swank.swank/ignore-protocol-version "2009-05-17")
> (swank.swank/start-server "c:/DOCUME~1/a68709/LOCALS~1/Temp/slime.
> 2904" :encoding "iso-latin-1-unix")
> Clojure 1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT
> user=> nil
> user=> user=> java.io.FileNotFoundException: Could not locate swank/
> swank__init.class or swank/swank.clj on classpath:  (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> user=> user=> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: swank.swank
> user=> user=> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: swank.swank
> user=> user=>
> The *Messages* buffer in emacs says
> ;; Polling "c:/DOCUME~1/a68709/LOCALS~1/Temp/slime.2904".. (Abort with
> `M-x slime-abort-connection'.) [2027 times]
> ..so, swank can't contact the clojure *inferior-lisp* buffer, even
> though clojure does seem to work fine.
> I must be missing something obvious.
> Can anybody help?
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