I have a feeling I'm doing something wrong bug I can't figure it out and I
can't rule out that it's not some kind of bug. I am trying to get the public
vars exposed by a namespace from a string. I am creating a symbol from the
string using Symbol/create and then calling ns-publics. This works just fine
if I create the symbol directly from a string, but it doesn't appear to work
when I create the symbol from the result of String.split(). I tried to
narrow this down to some problem in my code but I just can't figure it out.
Some help would be appreciated.
Example of reproducing this:

user=> (import 'clojure.lang.Symbol)
user=> (def s1 (Symbol/create (first (.split "user/n1" "/"))))
user=> (def s2 (Symbol/create "user"))
user=> (= (first (.split "user/n1" "/")) "user")
user=> (class (first (.split "user/n1" "/")))
user=> (ns-publics s1)
java.lang.Exception: No namespace: user found (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
user=> (ns-publics s2)
{s2 #'user/s2, s1 #'user/s1}

Cosmin Stejerean

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