Hello Stephen and fellow Clojurians,

as threatened before here a first stab at a small action and menu
builder suite. It is inspired by what Waterfront does. You basically
create a map describing the action or menu and let the builder functions
create them for you. Example:

(let [frame        (JFrame. "Example")
      save-action  (make-action
                     {:name       "Save"
                      :mnemonic   KeyEvent/VK_S
:long-desc "Save the file to disk. No-op if file not modified"
                      :short-desc "Save file"
                      :handler    save-file-handler})
      menubar-spec [{:name     "File"
                     :mnemonic KeyEvent/VK_F
                     :items    [{:action save-action}
                                {} ; <- adds a separator
                                {:name     "Close Window"
                                 :mnemonic KeyEvent/VK_W
                                 :handler  (fn [_] (.close frame))}]}
                    {:name     "Help"
                     :mnemonic KeyEvent/VK_H
                     :items    [{:name     "About"
                                 :mnemonic KeyEvent/VK_A
                                 :handler  (fn [_] (show-about))}]}]
      menubar      (make-menubar menubar-spec)]
  (doto frame
    (.setJMenbuBar menubar)
    (.setVisible true)))

So the whole description is code. It can be put in IRefs and be
modified at runtime with the usual means.

Here's the code:

(defvar action-translation-table
  (atom {:name        Action/NAME
         :accelerator Action/ACCELERATOR_KEY
         :command-key Action/ACTION_COMMAND_KEY
         :long-desc   Action/LONG_DESCRIPTION
         :short-desc  Action/SHORT_DESCRIPTION
         :mnemonic    Action/MNEMONIC_KEY
         :icon        Action/SMALL_ICON})
  "Translation table for the make-action constructor.")

(defn make-action
  "Create an Action proxy from the given action spec. The standard keys
recognised are: :name, :accelerator, :command-key, :long- desc, :short-desc, :mnemonic and :icon – corresponding to the similar named Action properties. The :handler value is used in the actionPerformed method of the proxy to
  pass on the event."
  (let [t-table @action-translation-table
        handler (:handler spec)
        spec    (dissoc spec :handler)
        spec    (map (fn [[k v]] [(t-table k) v]) spec)
        action  (proxy [AbstractAction] []
                  (actionPerformed [evt] (handler evt)))]
    (doseq [[k v] spec]
      (.putValue action k v))

(defvar menu-constructor-dispatch
  (atom #{:action :handler :items})
  "An atom containing the dispatch set for the add-menu-item method.")

(defmulti add-menu-item
  "Adds a menu item to the parent according to the item description.
  The item description is a map of the following structure.

- one single :action specifying a javax.swing.Action to be associated
      with the item.
    - a specification suitable for make-action
- a set of :name, :mnemonic and :items keys, specifying a submenu with
      the given sequence of item entries.
    - an empty map specifying a separator."
  {:arglists '([parent item])}
  (fn add-menu-item-dispatch [_ item]
    (some @menu-constructor-dispatch (keys item))))

(defmethod add-menu-item :action
  [parent {:keys [action]}]
  (let [item (JMenuItem. action)]
    (.add parent item)))

(defmethod add-menu-item :handler
  [parent spec]
  (add-menu-item parent {:action (make-action spec)}))

(defmethod add-menu-item :items
  [parent {:keys [items mnemonic name]}]
  (let [menu (JMenu. name)]
    (when mnemonic
      (.setMnemonic menu mnemonic))
    (doseq [item items]
      (add-menu-item menu item))
    (.add parent menu)))

(defmethod add-menu-item nil ; nil meaning separator
  [parent _]
  (.addSeparator parent))

(defn make-menubar
"Create a menubar containing the given sequence of menu items. The menu items are described by a map as is detailed in the docstring of the add- menu-item
  (let [menubar (JMenuBar.)]
    (doseq [item menubar-items]
      (add-menu-item menubar item))


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