> * Is "function overloading" the idiomatic way to implement default
> params in clojure?

Typically, I think so. You could also use multimethods, but that might  
be unnecessary flexibility.

Another approach is to emulate keyword arguments:

(defn foo [x y & args]
   (let [{:keys [baz bar]} (apply hash-map args)]

(foo 5 6 :baz 9 :bar noo)

> * I'm using an atom to store the database. Could I use a var instead?

I probably wouldn't. You could use a ref.

> * Can the body of the db-push function be simplified?

I think so. Untested:

(defn db-push
  ([key val] (db-push key val *default-db*))
  ([key val db]
     (swap! db assoc key (cons val (db key))))))

If it's a ref, the analogue would be

(defn db-push
  ([key val] (db-push key val *default-db*))
  ([key val db]
       (alter db assoc key (cons val (db key))))))

or document that db-push must be called within a transaction, and  
remove the dosync. (This allows multiple pushes within a single  


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