On Aug 15, 2:00 am, Meikel Brandmeyer <m...@kotka.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 14.08.2009 um 02:56 schrieb fft1976:
> > With type hints, you can get Java (?) code to run EXACTLY the same
> > speed as Java, so Clojure is FAST.
> I think there is a simple misunderstanding here.
> I think, what Rich means, is that if you provide
> type hints, the methods calls on an object work
> directly.
Then why does he follow up with "Clojure is FAST" instead of "calls to
Java are fast"? Why does everyone else think that he was referring to
Clojure itself? Why hasn't he corrected himself, given plenty of
opportunity? Seems like a pretty misleading claim, whichever he really
meant. And he is now censoring my posts for pointing this out from
behind the moderators he appointed.
P.S. The moderators (Chouser) are now censoring my posts, so if you
don't see this message on the list as well, I wrote something they are
trying to suppress.
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