Patrik Fredriksson <> writes:

Hi Patrick,

> Could someone please help me understand why the following causes a
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space for large n:s (100000
> works fine, 1000000 does not).
> (def integers (iterate inc 1))
> (defn limited-reduce [fn coll n]
>   (loop [c coll i n result 0]
>   (if (zero? i)
>     result
>   (recur
>     (rest c)
>     (dec i)
>     (fn result (first c))))))
> (limited-reduce + integers 100000)

Although that doesn't really help, the normal `reduce' doesn't do

(reduce + (take 1000000 (iterate inc 1)))  ; works
(reduce + (take 10000000 (iterate inc 1))) ; OutOfMemoryError


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