How do I make this code faster?  And leaner, i.e., use less memory ?

It's a simple function to generate NUMKEYS strings of length
store them in a Java array then store them in a HashMap<String,Object>
hash-map.  [it doesn't store them in the hash-map yet; but it
allocates it]

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

(def *valid-chars* [ \a \b \c \d \e \f \g \h \i \j \k \l \m
                     \n \o \p \q \r \s \t \u \v \w \x \u \z
                     \0 \1 \2 \3 \4 \5 \6 \7 \8 \9 ] )

(defn generate-random-keys [ numkeys keylength ]
   (let [ rand (new java.util.Random)
         key (make-array Character/TYPE keylength) ;;  :initial-
element \a))
         keys (make-array String numkeys)
         data (new java.util.HashMap (int numkeys))
     (.println System/out (format "generating [%d] keys of length
[%d]" numkeys keylength ))
     (dotimes [i numkeys]
       (dotimes [j keylength]
         (aset key j (nth *valid-chars* (. rand nextInt (int 36)))))
       (let [tmp (String. #^chars key) ]
         ;;       (.println System/out (format "keys[%d] => [%s]" i
         (aset keys i tmp)))
     (.println System/out (format "inserting [%d] keys into HashMap"

(generate-random-keys 100000 1024)  ;; 100k strings, 1024-chars each

The corresponding Java code (w/ the hash-insert omitted in the clojure
runs in 5.5sec and uses 290MB.

This code runs (which omits the hash-insert) runs in 17.8sec and uses

I thought that I added all of the casts and "warn-on-reflections" that
would help.
Also, I thought using Java data structures directly would bypass some
of Clojure's
overhead.  What am I missing?

Granted, the initial memory allocated is

        * for POJ, ~12MB
        * for Clojure, ~90MB

That may or may  not be relevant.  It's hard to know w/ auto mem-mgmt.


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