On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 3:59 PM, nchubrich <nicholas.chubr...@gmail.com>wrote:

> How do you def a symbol that you make using (symbol)?  I.E. if I try
> to do (def (symbol "x") 2) I get:
> java.lang.Exception: Second argument to def must be a Symbol.  (And
> why does it say the \second argument must be a symbol?)

Special forms and macros don't evaluate their arguments. So def's second
argument here is a list of the symbol "symbol" and the string literal "x".

There are two ways to do what you want: macros and eval.


(defmacro def-from-string [sym-name-string initial-value]
  `(def ~(symbol sym-name-string) ~initial-value))

will let you use

(def-from-string "x" 2)

to achieve what you attempted above. (Making the initial binding optional,
as in "def", is left as an exercise for the reader. So is providing a way to
attach metadata.)


(eval (list 'def (symbol "x") 2))

will intern the symbol in some namespace or another when executed. You might

(eval `(binding [*ns* foo] (def ~(symbol "x") 2)))

to have absolute and certain control over exactly what namespace.

This has the disadvantage of using the perilous "eval", but the advantage
that you can even intern the symbol at run-time; the string "x" can even
come from the network or user or otherwise not have been known at
compile-time, or the initial root binding 2, or the namespace even. (Similar
constructs can be used to create whole namespaces on the fly at runtime. But
that's serious metaprogramming.)

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