Sean Devlin wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I was working with an object that implements java.util.Map today, and
> I had to turn it into a Clojure map.
> I cam up with this utility fn
> (defn read-map
>   "Designed to turn a java.util.Map into a Clojure map."
>   [a-map]
>   (into {}
>        (map
>         #(hash-map (.getKey %) (.getValue %))
>         (seq a-map))))

Why the (map) and seq?  Does (into {} a-map) not work for some 
implementations java.util.Map?

(into {}
       (doto (java.util.HashMap.)
         (.put :a 1)
         (.put :b 2)))
;; => {:a 1, :b 2}

> What if hash-map automatically cast a java.util.Map to a Clojure map?

That'd really be changing the meaning of (hash-map) -- it doesn't even 
do that with Clojure maps,  you can't do (hash-map {:a 1}).
Better to stick with (into {}) -- it's actually both one character 
shorter and more generally applicable.

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